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Prevention | Correction | Rehabilitation

Upcoming Changes

Starting November 1, 2024 Gardiner Wholistic Health will be closing temporarily to make way for some new and exciting endeavors!
I am also excited to announce that I will be returning to Equinox (Bryant Park and East 44th locations) at this time as a Master Massage Therapist. You can book sessions with me there by following the Book Now button. 
As always, please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns you may have. 
Be well, and I look forward to seeing you soon!

Gardiner Wholistic Health uses innovative and integrated ways to educate clients about their bodies, and strives to empower them with the knowledge and tools to promote self-care, health, and overall wellness. Treatments are as unique the individual. All sessions and plans are catered to the specific needs of each client. Whether through massage, fitness, nutrition, or a combination of all three, our goal is to help people live happy, healthy, active, and pain-free lives!


“If you don’t take care of your body, where are you going to live?” -Unknown

Fitness & Personal Training

Fitness coaching and personal training offers personalized programs, workouts, and tools to help clients reach their personal goals and fitness potential, prevent and correct injury/imbalance, and be able to develop better posture, form, balance, and alignment. Not a typical "gym style" workout, instead this will help prepare the body for any type of workout, sport, or activity you wish to pursue.


Massage Therapy

Clinical massage therapy. Sports injury recovery treatment. Chronic pain treatment. Treatment of many other musculoskeletal pathologies and conditions (including, but not limited to: autoimmune disorders, pre/post surgical therapy, tendinitis/tendinosis, pre-and post-natal, nerve entrapments, sciatica, pain from disc herniations, postural and muscular imbalances...etc.). Working to correct the daily muscle imbalances and strains that cause discomfort, decreased energy, and keep us from feeling our best.

Sports massage on leg
Massage Therapy

Nutrition Guidance & Counseling

Working with clients to develop dietary plans and expand on their nutrition education in order to make lifelong  changes that are sustainable and enjoyable. By incorporating a more whole foods, plant-based style of eating, clients are able to increase energy, create lifestyle eating habits that promote overall health and longevity, and prevent, manage, and even reverse many conditions/diseases caused by the Standard American Diet. 


** In order to keep in line with other health and wellness practices of a similar nature, we have decided to separate from typical spa style services which accept gratuity and are considered more of a luxury, and align our practice with the principles and pricing traditionally associated with a more medical treatment and services. This will also make it more convenient for those of you who claim your treatments as a medical expense **

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